Become a Member of the Schmidt Familie

- To help people identify with the German heritage, person who are 2nd or more generation of German Heritage (or of other ethnic backgrounds) are invited to become a member of the Schmidt Familie
- In a special ceremony, held twice a year, the candidate is given a German first name and the last name of Schmidt (i.e. Beverly Pochatko is known as Klara Schmidt)
- There is a “family song”, and a toast wishing them good health and long life.
- Members receive the DANK magazine, The German American Journal, bi-monthly, as well as the DANK Chapter 71 newsletter
- Applications and payment may be submitted online or in-person at a meeting. The application is available here.
- The cost to join is $40 head of household / $50/couple prior to the gathering
Need More Information?
If you're not sure if you'd like to join, you are always welcome to stop by our meetings to see what we are about.
- For a Membership Application, visit our national website and either fill it out and submit online or print it out and send with check to DANK Erie, 750 East 10th St, Erie, PA, 16503
- Call: (814) 456-9599
- Email: [email protected]